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Finding Human Harmony: Insights from the Ramayana on World Human Rights Day at Trisha College

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Glimpses of Wisdom and Responsibility at Trisha College on World Human Rights Day

World Human Rights Day, celebrated at Trisha College of Education, Hamirpur, resonated with profound insights from the esteemed Vice Chancellor, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma Ji. Drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Holy Ramayana, Dr. Sharma delved into the essence of what it truly means to be a good human being, highlighting the critical balance between rights and responsibilities.

From the Epic to the Everyday: Building a Responsible World

With eloquence and conviction, Dr. Sharma emphasized the need to re-evaluate our priorities in a world often consumed by rights. He urged the audience to embrace wisdom in a way that makes responsibility the guiding force of our actions. He beautifully likened this principle to the exemplary character of Hanuman, the epitome of selfless service and unwavering devotion. Hanuman’s life, he asserted, stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards a world where responsibility guides our every step.

Beyond Rights: Human Radicals and Womanhood

The discourse transcended mere theoretical musings. Dr. Sharma challenged the audience to become “human radicals,” individuals who actively champion the cause of human rights through their daily choices and actions. He emphasized the importance of looking beyond our own needs and recognizing the interconnectedness of our humanity.

Adding further depth to the conversation, Ms. Richa Sharma, an official from CPUH, brought her valuable perspective on the topic of women’s rights and responsibilities. Her insights highlighted the unique challenges faced by women and the crucial role they play in shaping a just and equitable society.

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