Home Events Empowering Farmers for a Sustainable Future: Farmers’ Training Program 

Empowering Farmers for a Sustainable Future: Farmers’ Training Program 

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On 27th December 2024, Career Point University, Hamirpur, in collaboration with ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, hosted an impactful Farmers’ Training Program under the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan. This initiative was designed to enhance livelihood opportunities and promote entrepreneurship among Scheduled Caste farmers, fostering sustainable development and empowerment.

The program featured esteemed guests who brought invaluable insights to the event. Dr. P L Gautam, Chancellor of Dr. R P Central Agricultural University, Pusa-Bihar, and Pro-Chancellor of Career Point University, Hamirpur, chaired the program. Dr. T R Sharma, Deputy Director General (Crop Science), ICAR, and Director/Vice Chancellor of IARI-Delhi, joined as the Chief Guest, sharing his expertise in agricultural innovation and sustainable practices.

Farmers attending the program gained practical knowledge on modern agricultural techniques, sustainable farming practices, and opportunities for entrepreneurship. The training also provided insights into government schemes and resources designed to support and empower the Scheduled Caste farming community.

This initiative reflects Career Point University’s dedication to community welfare and sustainable progress. By equipping farmers with the tools and knowledge they need, we are collectively working towards a future where rural development and economic growth go hand in hand.

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