Home Success Guide Success Guide Shooting and Sports Sessions of NCC Cadets

Shooting and Sports Sessions of NCC Cadets

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The Shooting Sessions: Under the guidance of experienced instructors, the NCC cadets at Career Point University Hamirpur embarked on shooting sessions that allowed them to develop marksmanship skills and gain hands-on experience with firearms. Safety protocols were strictly followed, ensuring that the cadets understood the importance of responsible weapon handling. The sessions covered theoretical aspects such as firearm components, shooting techniques, and range safety procedures. Practical training on shooting ranges equipped the cadets with the skills necessary to excel in shooting competitions and potentially pursue shooting as a sport in the future.

Sports Sessions: Alongside shooting, the NCC cadets participated in a wide range of sports activities at Career Point University Hamirpur. These sessions offered a platform for the cadets to explore their physical prowess and hone their athletic abilities. Various sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball, and athletics, were incorporated into the training program. Through regular practice, the cadets not only improved their physical fitness but also developed essential qualities like teamwork, leadership, and resilience, which are vital in both military and civilian life.

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