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Bharat Scouts and Guides Foundation Day

6 min read

The spirit of camaraderie and the pursuit of excellence were palpable in the air as the Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated their 73rd Foundation Day with great zeal and enthusiasm. The event was marked by various activities and demonstrations that showcased the dedication and commitment of scouts towards their mission. Among the highlights were the distribution of flag stickers by the Rovers and Rangers, along with impressive displays of exercises like BP six. The celebration was graced by the presence of the esteemed Vice Chancellor, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, who lauded the scouts for their tireless efforts and extended his heartfelt congratulations.

The celebration kicked off with a symbolic gesture of unity and patriotism as the Rovers and Rangers distributed flag stickers to the attendees. These stickers served as a powerful reminder of the Scouts and Guides’ unwavering commitment to the principles of loyalty, duty, and service to the nation. It was heartening to witness the pride and sense of belonging that swept through the crowd as they affixed these stickers to their uniforms.

The event received a significant boost in honor and prestige with the presence of the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma. His words of appreciation and encouragement resonated deeply with the scouts, reinforcing their belief in the importance of their mission. Dr. Sharma commended the scouts for their relentless efforts in upholding the values of the Bharat Scouts and Guides and for their contributions towards building a better society.

The celebration of the 73rd Foundation Day of the Bharat Scouts and Guides was a resounding success, filled with moments of pride, unity, and inspiration. The distribution of flag stickers and the impressive demonstration of exercises served as powerful reminders of the enduring values that the Scouts and Guides stand for. The presence and words of appreciation from Dr. Sanjeev Sharma added an extra layer of significance to the event, reinforcing the scouts’ dedication to their mission.

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