Activity Cell


No doubt, classroom teaching is utmost important, yet for aesthetic development, character enrichment, spiritual and physical growth, extracurricular activities are equally relevant.

Activity cell focuses on the co-curricular & extra co-curricular activities which plays vital role in shaping the life of a person, especially the students. Extracurricular activities include bands, sports, student newspaper, literary, acting & drama, music, cultural activities.

Such activities help in the development of mind and personality. For the all-round development of the personality; intellectual, emotional, social, moral and aesthetic growths are utmost important. These growths succeed if curricula are supplemented with extra co curricular activities. Therefore, extra co curricular activities have become the part and parcel of education system.

One can trace the concept of Co-curricular Activity in our ancient literatures. Ancient scriptures of India like Vedas, Upanishads, Yoga Vashistha, Mahabharata, Ramayana, all inform us about Gurukuls and Ashrams system. Co-curricular activities like cleaning Ashram, collecting woods, milking the cows, wrestling, archery, dyeing clothes, cooking, singing, playing, warfare activities etc. were quite common.


The main motto of extracurricular activities is personality development. These are the activities which promotes students to take up their study in a healthy manner. All-round development as well as intellectual development is not the domain of curriculum, these characteristics can be judiciously fulfilled by co-curricular activities.

Importance of Co-curricular & Extra Co- curricular activities

  • Extracurricular activity helps to accomplish the objectives of education through free expression, debates, co-operation, coordination, etc.
  • Develop the habits of constructive competition, bring efficiency in ideas, improves skill and competence.
  • Bring pleasant changes and develop joyous experiences.
  • Develop the capacity of organizing events and enable for managerial and leadership activities.
  • These activities create avenues to meet with various people thereby helps in socialization, self-identification and self-assessment.
  • Activities like field trips, tours and excursion helps to know about other people, their work, culture and customs.
  • Develop the ability of decision making.
  • Develop the sense of belongingness.