School of Basic & Applied Sciences
The School of Basic and Applied Sciences (SBAS) imparts Outcome Based Education. SBAS is determined to develop solutions for the challenges in sciences through value-based science education, which includes project-based and research-based learning.
The Department of Chemistry has been established since the inception of the University i.e. in 2012, with the objective to provide quality education to students, so that they can be engaged in innovation, scientific & industrial research. Besides the curriculum, the Department is also focusing on all round personality development and industrial exposure of students to make them globally competent in the job market. At present, Department is offering three programs namely, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Chemistry. The faculty has excellent academic background, teaching and research experience. The Departmental laboratories are well equipped for carrying out practical and research work.
The department of Bio Sciences offers Bachelors, Master’s and Ph.D. courses in basic, applied and innovation aspects of plant sciences, animal sciences, biotechnology, microbiology and environmental sciences. The department was established in 2019 by merging division botany and division Zoology.
Zoology Division was established under the Department of Biosciences, School of Basic & Applied Sciences in the year 2016. The Department has highly qualified and experienced Faculty. We teach through Lectures, Laboratory Practical, Workshops, Tutorials, Assignments, Group Discussions, Seminars and Field Visit
Salient Achievement
The departments are continuously organizing Conferences/seminars for the students. Students of the department qualified for competitive exams.
Research activities addressing community concerns, environmental issues.
The zoology department has a good museum with very valuable specimens; Lung fish, flying fish, torpedo, embryos, frogs, Snakes, etc.
Zoology division funded by 06 major research projects by various agencies like DIC, HP CM STARTUP and DEST, Shimla till now.
- Strong emphasis on research activities
- The faculty members have presented and published many papers at International and National conferences.
- Good placement record
- Fund generation from Govt./Private agencies in terms of Projects and consultancy
services - The division organizes various National as well as International events from time to time
in which eminent personalities are invited for interacting with students.